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Our School is Positive and Oriented to Results.


Our school is positive: it is a great place to be and to have your student.  Both our students and our parents talk about how they enjoy the interactions they have with each other and with teachers. 


Our school is positive in presenting Jesus as a beautiful savior.  Jesus is full of grace and truth.  That is an amazing reality, and one that we hope our students will truly grasp. Jesus is for us and not against us, pursuing us relentlessly.  We love Him because He first love us.   How amazing is that? 


Our school is positive in that it energizes children through helping them to envision bright futures.  The focus is not downward on present struggles, rather, it is up towards a horizon that is full of hope.  Our goal is that each student can realize his or her optimal potential.   


We present problem-solving and academic challenges as solvable things: we teach a discipline which includes calmly assessing situations, identifying next steps, and then following through.  Our school is positive in helping students see the issues of our day as worthy of our energy and attention.   


Our school is positive because we believe that the problems of tomorrow will be solved by students like ours:  people who love their God and their neighbors, and who step into difficult situations because they need to be addressed.   




Our school is results-oriented.  Three times a year we conduct NWEA Map asessments in science, math, reading and language.  We do this to get a reliable idea of how our students are progressing.   


We are responsive.   Based on the results we are seeing, we tailor student instruction (both group and individual instruction) so that we best respond to the results we are seeing.   


We are objective.  We do not believe that tests tell us all the important things there are to know about a student.  Each student is a human-being, created in God's Image and of infinite value.  But, we do see results in achievement as objective, and they help us plan our way ahead. 


Results aren't just about academic achievement, they are also about spiritual growth and growth in relating to people.  We do not ignore the signs of spiritual growth or growth as a relational person.  These are essential elements of growing.  We work with parents to mold our students into people who love Jesus and love the people around them.  





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