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Parents' Page

COVID Precautions

Park Place School is open for in-person instruction, 5 days a week. 


We have a COVID-19 Mitigation Plan in place that takes a multi-layered approach to protecting students’ health and well-being.


Current CDC updates have recommended several strategies for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, due to the transmissions of the virus.  Taking precautions is necessary due to the fact that children under 12 are not vaccinated and not all children ages 12 and older are vaccinated.  The CDC K-12 Operational Strategy strongly recommends using a “combination of layered prevention strategies” to avoid COVID-19 transmission in school that includes:


  1. Universal and correct wearing of masks.  Students will not be permitted on the bus or in the building with loosely fitting masks.  We will have disposal masks on hand in 2 sizes.

  2. Physical distancing.

  3. Hand washing and respiratory etiquette.

  4. Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including ventilation improvements.

  5. Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine.The COVID-19 vaccine is readily available for adults and children 12 and older, and has proven to be effective against serious illness, hospitalization or death from the virus.


A copy of this plan is being made available to all parents, staff and volunteers, and can be found at the link below.  Parents must sign a Liability Release Waiver in order for their child/ren to attend Park Place School.


A copy of the full plan may be found here:  Final PPS Health Mitigation Reopening Plans 8_2021_final_2




Park Place School COVID-19 Liability Release Waiver


The Re-opening Plans provide for a host of protective measures for everyone entering the school building.  The success of this plan will also be determined by the precautions we take outside of Park Place School.  We ask for all parents, students, staff and volunteers to take strict measures to protect themselves from the virus – wear your masks and practice physical distancing guidelines anytime you are around anyone other than your immediate household.  This includes times while playing with and visiting friends and extended family.  Do not share personal items or food; wash your hands frequently, and report any known virus symptoms to parents, caretakers and the school, immediately.


Please check your child daily for COVID-19 Symptoms.  If they have a temperature of 100 or higher, or show any of the following:


Most common symptoms include:

  • Fever, dry cough, tiredness


Less common symptoms:

  • Aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste or smell, a rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes


Serious symptoms:

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure, loss of speech or movement


We will not be offering a virtual option for students; however, we may need to pivot to virtual instruction should there be a rise in infections impacting students and/or staff.  Students who have been exposed may be required to have a negative test in order to return to school.  Students testing positive for the virus will need to remain at home for 10-14 days and may be required to produce a negative test result before returning.


DAILY health screenings must be conducted for every student and adult before they can be admitted into the building.  This begins at home, with morning temperature and symptom checks, completion of online app to verify your screening, and another temperature check prior to entering the bus and/or school building.  Your assistance and participation in these daily screenings is necessary, mandatory and appreciated!


Thank you and please be in prayer for God’s protection and guidance!






We will communicate with parents with reminders of early closings, holidays and any sudden change in our schedule due to weather or other circumstances.  This is done by email and/or text message.


If you are a parent – please ensure we have the most up to date phone number and email in our files.


Thank you and we look forward to sharing news throughout the year.

Contact us...

Park Place School
107 Seekel St.
Norfolk, VA 23505


Telephone 757-624-3473
Fax 757- 624-3700

Copyright 2022
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